Wednesday, October 5, 2011

After high school, then what? (Hopefully Aggieland!)

I recently had my 17 year-old cousin in town for three days to take his SAT's and to go on a college visit.  I'M EXHAUSTED!!!  I don't know how parents do it.

Mom, Dad. . . THANK YOU!

While he was here I started asking him the normal going to college questions (What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What is your ultimate goal? ect.) I was a bit taken aback by his answers and the naivety he showed.

First of all when I asked him his ultimate goal, his only response was he wanted to make 6 figures a year!  GREAT! Don't we all?!? 

Ok kiddo, how are you going to do it?  I don't know! 
Well, what do you want to do?  I don't know!
Ok, an easier question then.  Where do you want to go to college?  I don't know!

Now this is a real smart kid.  In the top-ten of his class.  And it's not like he cannot talk to me because believe me when I say that we have had our fair-share of unusual talks. 

The sad part is, he really doesn't know.  No one has discussed with him the reality of life after high school.  He has only gotten as far as wanting to be rich, because it will make his life easier.

Thats great.  It really is.  If you think that money is going to solve all of your problems, then you might as well set high goals for yourself.  But how are you going to get there? 

In the real world, there isn't some person or commitee that comes around knocking on doors handing out cash. Well there was, but Ed McMahon died. :(

I think this is a question that every young person faces.  What am I going to do when I grow up?  And how am I going to get there?  We all know that we want to be successful when we grow-up, but what defines success? Money?!? For that matter what defines "grown-up"? Turning 18 does not mean that you are grown, I'm 30 and still feel like a kid.

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