Monday, August 22, 2011

Neighborhood Sprinkler Inspector

I mentioned in the beginning that watering my lawn was less stressful than trying to write and keep up with this blog.  Well the reason it is less stresfull is because I have a friend that comes by to help me make sure that I water the lawn correctly.  Bet you didn't know that there was someone out there checking on your lawn for you.

I wanted to introduce you guys to this friend of mine.  This is my neighborhood sprinkler and yard inspector.  I usually call him Fred, but only because he has never actually told me his name.

Every night when I go to put the spinkler out to water my lawn, this guy will show up out of no where and come over to check things out.  He has a routine of things that have to be checked out and up to his standards. 

First, he must . . .

. . .survey the yard. . .

Then he spends a couple of minutes. . . 
. . .test the soil saturation. . .

Followed by several minutes of . . . 

. . . checking the pH of the water. . .
And if everything is in order. . .
. . . finishing up with a bath.
I know that it looks like Fred is bathing when he should be checking the pH, but this is a very long a drawn out process.  Believe me when I say that this guy really immerses himself in his work.

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