I, as in Chuckles, have decided to create a second blog called "Tales From the Other End of the Horse" so as to rededicate this blog to it's intended purpose, A and AnchorEquestrian. Especially now with business is doing so well and A is having so much fun doing it. Besides, maybe this way we can get A to start writing and she can explain to all of us what exactly we are looking at!?!
And whether or not 'Dressage' is actually French for "boring."
Like I said, business is good and even though I'm not sure that AE is "making money," A is happy and the bills get paid. I'm not sure what else we could ask for. Isn't that what we all want? A job we love to do and to get paid doing it?
This past Sunday, January 22, AE had like 10 students and 12 horses, or something crazy like that, out schooling Pine Hill. I really wish I had gone to take pictures but I am not quite yet accustomed to these early, EARLY!!!, hours they get started.
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There are a couple more schoolings and shows coming up and I plan on being there to get the pictures.
I signed up to order my Aggie ring! Whooop! I go January 27th to get sized and pay for my ring and then Aggie Ring Day is March 30th. So mark your calendars.
I've never been one much on jewelry (rings, watches, necklaces, ect.), but this is one that I can't wait for. I think my parents are worried that I'll end up wearing my Aggie ring about as long as I wore my high school class ring, but there is a difference. My high school ring didn't require much of an effort to earn, but my Aggie ring I've had to work my ( | ) off for. Add to that the fact that the Aggie ring is a very visible connection to other Ags. I'm really excited bout this milestone because for me it has been such a long time coming and yet it seems like only yesterday that I decided I needed to finish school.
Speaking of school. I have to start back this week. Thankfully this semester I only have class on Thursdays and methods hours Mondays and Tuesdays (actually in the classroom). I'm also having to take a class online to finish up my required science hours. I've taken a lot of math and science classes but somehow managed to take some that didn't work with my degree plan. That has more to do with the fact that I was a Business management major before deciding I would be better suited to assigning HOURS & HOURS of daily homework. *Evil Laugh*
I'm sitting here now getting my stuff ready for school, working on defensive driving, and of course this blog.
Yea for defensive driving! It's fun stuff, let me tell you.
My donation is done, and the stem cells have been sent on their way. I am hoping that the cells have reached their destination and the recipient has received her transfusion. Unfortunately, as I mentioned before I won't know anything for at least 30 days and it will be at least a year before I know her status.
I'm still a little sore today, specifically my knees ache. Not from the donation but from the medicine that remains in my system. As far as the donation sites in my arms, I can't even tell where the needles were. The nurse that put the needle (blood out of my left arm) and catheter (blood back in in my right wrist) was awesome. He did a really good job that at first I wasn't even aware that he had even stuck me.
During the donation, I was talking to the nurse and he mentioned that when he first started doing this in 2001 he could count the number of donors that came in a month on one hand. Now he says there are 4 or 5 donors a week. He also mentioned that when they first started taking the donations they were not necessarily as nice to the donors as they should have been. As the science has progressed and these organizations have started to recognize the benefits of taking the donations in this manner (through the blood draw) they have also started to really pamper the donors as much as possible. I would have to agree with his statement because while I may have been achy and sore, anytime yesterday during the donation I asked for anything there was at least three people willing to get it for me.
We were also entertained by the day 1 resident that was in the lab observing. This future doctor kid was awkward at best. He kept asking the patients that came in, "So what are you in for?" I was waiting for one of the old guys to tell him "I just wandered in to see what you were doing." At one point this doctor was asking a patient what exactly the symptoms were to his cancer. The patient looked at this kid like his was crazy and A and I couldn't help but laugh. When the patient finished telling him, the kid looked at the guy and said "Tell me how you say the name of your cancer again." I wish I could have taken a picture of this guy's face because it was priceless. Confusion and worry.
Well like I said, I'm done! I did my best to add some positive thoughts to my donation because I'm sure this lady could use all of the help she can get. Where ever, who ever you are, I'm rooting for you!
Now only time can tell.
Have you signed up yet? You should. You never know who you could be helping. It could end up being someone you actually know. It could even be a kid that turns out to be the greatest president we've ever seen or someone that decides to create flying cars. Be The Match.
And so it begins. We got to the hospital about 8a and by about 9:30a I had received the last round of shots, talked to the doctor again and am hooked up to the aphoresis machine. I hope I used that right, but if not, I'm talking about the blood draw machine.
They say I'll be here for a minimum of 4 hours, and while I don't mind I already feel bad for A because what is she supposed to do? Sit here and stare at me? Well that's what she is doing and it's kinda creepy.
Everyone that has been involved in this process has been great, seriously. Anytime I've needed anything or had a problem, they have been right on it. If you haven't signed up yet to be a donor yet, I'm not sure what you are waiting for. They (Be The Match) go to great lengths to take care of you so that you can help take care of someone else.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the doctor decided that it was not necessary for me to go into the ER to have my spleen checked. The doctor said that if there was a problem that I would know and rather than waste our time, he said he would see me in the morning.
We are now checked into our hotel looking out at Reliant Stadium. It looks like they are going to have monster trucks going this weekend but sadly we will be gone by then. It's too bad. I'm not exactly a monster truck fan, but the view that we have from here would be awesome.
We (the wife and I) had talked about making this trip a mini vacation since we weren't having to pay for anything, but that idea seems to have passed seeing as we got in late and I'm still a little achy. Still a free hotel and room-service, might be fun yet.
I also wanted to take a second and show you the set-up I had while being stuck on the couch this week. That is our laptop hooked up to our television, and the wireless keyboard and mouse have a range of about 10 feet so it was perfect to sit on the couch and play on the computer.
Now I have a plan for when school starts back up and I need to write one of the hundred papers that the College of Education has us write.
I had just had my last injections before the procedure tomorrow!!! I'm excited! I'm excited to be helping this lady, where ever she is, and I am excited to be done taking these shots! The shots this morning kinda burned going in.
The nurse that has been coming to give me the shots was asking how was feeling this morning and I told her I felt fine, surprisingly. The only thing is, is that I am aware of my spleen or rather I am aware of pressure in the area of my spleen. I agree, that is an unusual statement. Apparently though, for all of us that are not nurses or doctors, the spleen serves a vital role in helping to remove old red blood cells and can swell while taking filgrastim. The medicine that they have been injecting into me to increase the red cells.
Well when I mentioned it to the nurse, she immediately had me call the Be The Match coordinator who called the doctor and the doctor called me back all in less than 5 minutes. Even if you are related to the doctor, have you ever had a doctor call you back that quick?
So we have to stop by the hospital on our way into Houston this evening, but before you worry, I'm fine.
The most difficult part of this has been judging pains. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being unbearable), I'd say 5 at the worst. If I did feel 'pain,' it was a rolling pain, it would hurt for a second and then it would pass just as quickly. For the most part I would call the "pains" an ache ... or family.
I think have a high threshold for pain, and if you ever met my family you'd agree; as far as the aches I've felt, they are really no different than waking up mornings and realizing that you didn't move all night long. Add to that the fact that I am no longer a spring chicken, not yet old but definitely not as young as I used to be. You learn to deal with the pains. They are after all stuck with me too (I'm just kidding, I love my family).
My part in all of this is almost done. I really appreciate all of the support that I have gotten during all of this. You all make this easier to do just knowing that you care enough to check in. So THANK YOU!
Don't tell my wife I said this but I think that she was right. It will be about a year before we find out how she is doing, so if she survives the Zombie Apocalypse we will know about this time next year. To find out more about the apocalypse you should go check out Breann at Life and Love of a Parrothead.
I've never been so tired and restless at the same time. My bones ache. My muscles ache. I kinda feel like my skin is full, like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man without the cool outfit. I totally agree., me and that outfit together are a scary thought.
When I am up and moving around I feel better but the muscles in my back start aching and I have to sit back down. The longer I sit though the stiffer my muscles get and I have to get back up and stretch. So it's a conundrum.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not in pain. This doesn't "hurt." I just can't get comfortable right now.
After my shot yesterday, I took a nap and when I woke up my body was so stiff that I had to sit there for about 10 minutes before could get up. On the other hand, when I woke up this morning I felt fine.
The nurse has already been by today to give me my shot so I'm achy again.
Only 2 more days for me though. I get another shot tomorrow (Wednesday) and then we head down to Houston to check into the hotel (courtesy of Be The Match) and the procedure will take place Thursday morning. I'm told that it will be a minimum of four hours attached to the machines and up to eight hours. Personally, I'm hoping for four.
Geaux Tide? Roll Tigers?
During last night's BCS championship game, I spent half of the time up and walking around and it was not because of nerves. I really thought LSU would have a better game but outside of that I didn't really care who won. I just kept thinking that whomever won, either way the Aggies are going up against the BCS Nation Champs during their first season in the SEC. That's a steep hill no matter who you are.
All I have to say is, WHOOOOP!!! GiG'eM Ags!!!
*On a funny side note here. Texas A&M is telling Tim Tebow and the Broncos that the "12th Man" is trademarked and that they are not allowed to use it without permission. Click here for the story.
Just got the second injections, and if you ever decide or are chosen to do this, ask that the medicine is not fresh out of the refrigerator. The cold filgrastim burns a little more than at room temperature going in, but I am told that this medicine is a couple hundred dollars an injection and needs to be kept refrigerated.
I'm achy but not in pain. It feels like a combination of growing pains and the onset of a cold or flu. I considered describing it as feeling like you've been hit by a car or been in a car accident, but I didn't want to give A (aka The Wife) any ideas. Besides, the last time that I was in an accident (knock on wood) my best-friend Bert decided to take us for a spin, literally, down I35 during rush hour. I came out of that one sporting a nice big raspberry on my forehead.
The wife keeps trying to get me to take a pain reliever, but as I told her, I can handle it right now but may be inclined later. She however is not convinced and has decided to take her job as my care-taker very seriously.
It's been a couple hours now since the I got the second shot and while I'm still achy the worst part is waking up after having laid still for so long. It took a couple of minutes to get past the fight that my muscles and bones put up. Every part of my body is sore especially my joints and lower back.
Like I said before though, I can handle a week with an achy body as opposed to what this lady with Leukemia has had to endure. On a side note from that, I did learn that this lady that I am helping is not in Texas and where ever she is takes a "couple of planes" to get to. I think I find out where she is after 30 days. The wife seems to think it is after 90 days. I guess time will tell.
I got the first injections today, Sunday, January 8th, to donate Bone Marrow on Thursday. We had to drive down to Houston, Pearland to be exact, so that I could meet with the coordinator and they could ensure that I didn't have a reaction to the first dose.
I should probably explain. I'm being given filgrastimonce a day for five days to increase the number of red blood cells in my body. Doses 2,3, and 4 will be given to me here in College Station by a nurse recently retired from this program. On the fifth day, the day of the donation, I have to be at the hospital at about 8am and will get the 5th and final shot.
I'm told that the side effects include achy muscles and bones, like the onset of the flu. While I'm not in pain (yet) I am already starting to feel the effects. Thankfully I'm only going to feel like this for a week, but the lady who needs the donation hasn't felt good for awhile. I think I'll keep mine.
Another plus of all of this is that my beautiful, caring, thoughtful wife has agreed to take care of me and I'm not sure she knows what she is in for. Since she and I have been together, I can't remember being sick very often. And no way am I grumpy when I'm sick ;)
I've also been forced to agreed to try to behave, but as I've told my loving wife I've tried before and I'm not very good at being good.
Maybe I'll be able to keep up with the blog this week, since I don't think I'm going to be doing much else. I basically have an excuse to lay around the house. WAHOO!!!!
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Bone Marrow Donor, you can click on the picture or this link. Be The Match
On a school note:
I got my books ordered for the Spring semester. I did pretty good, spending less than $100 for three classes. I have to purchase access to a web program that is going to cost me about $130 still, but seriously 4 classes and less than $300. There have been some semesters that I paid nearly as much for books as I did to take the classes themselves.
I'm ready to be back. I'm almost ready to go back. One more week should be enough to push me over the edge and send me running back!
I've been trying to write something, anything since New Year's, but no luck. My mind is in over-drive and I can't seem to complete a thought. So every post I write kinda trails off as another idea or thought passes across my mind. So rather than fight it, I'm going to write.
School is about to start back. I'm starting senior methods. I'll be in the classroom at least 2 days a week (Monday & Tuesday for sure), and class Thursdays. I should will graduate this fall. It has been a crazy tough road and the closer I get to the end the more potholes that seem to pop up. If I were actually driving along this road, I think I'd still be a little nervous about where it leads.
I'm sitting here watching Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness on Nickelodeon and this seriously has to be the best cartoon based on a movie. It's like the day-to-day of Po in between the movies :)
So, senior methods!?
Rent is due. Our electric bill has been outrageous! That is whole 'nother story in itself. The condensed version is that our A/C unit has been freezing up and running constantly for the last few months. YIPPEE!!
It's fixed now and we are hoping to see it in the next bill, and the best part was that we had to convince the landlord that there was something wrong. Seriously???
Thankfully I have an awesome family and a wonderful wife and we will survive this.
I AM A VERY LUCKY MAN! (when I am smart enough to stop and take notice of it)
Nothing is ever set before us that we cannot handle through family, faith and fortitude.
That is one of the posts I started working on but can't seem to complete. Family, Faith and Fortitude. As much as I want to write it, I want it to convey what I actually mean and so far its been complicated at best.
The family and fortitude are easier, but my faith, is just that FAITH. I am not religious. I do not think that any one religion is correct, and I am not sure that any of the religions are wrong. I believe that within every religion there is an aspect of truth and the rest of it is an exaggeration on a misunderstanding.
The best way I can describe it is like a game of telephone or Chinese Whispers according to Wikipedia (every high-school and college students favorite starting point for research).
Originally, a story or idea was told to a group and in turn those people took what they heard and passed it along. Over time the story was altered ever so slightly and changed the meaning. Now consider if that were to happen over a couple thousand years, what would you have?
Dozens of 'religions' claiming that their's is the only way?! To what end?
What do we gain by choosing the correct church to be seen in on Sunday morning?
When I was in the Army, I had the opportunity to attend several different worship services, (in lieu of K.P. duty I'll admit), sometimes several in one day and it always caught me as odd that they all preached the same message.
Be good. (You know whether or not you are good)
Live a good life. (Again, you know!)
Don't forget your fellow man. (Either way, good or bad, you can't do it alone.)
Anyways, that's just my opinion.
I guess it wasn't that complicated. Maybe I just make things complicated.
So senior methods.
I'm really looking forward to being back in the classroom and I'm hoping to actually be in a Math classroom this year, but man those kids scare the sh!t outta me and you can't beat'em anymore (LoL I'm just kidding).
The teachers and schools shouldn't have to spank the kids. That is the parents responsibility. Mine is to make the kids want to think. To know what questions to ask and how to understand the answers.
Nothing is ever set before us that we cannot handle with family, faith and fortitude.