Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life!

I've been trying to write something, anything since New Year's, but no luck.  My mind is in over-drive and I can't seem to complete a thought.  So every post I write kinda trails off as another idea or thought passes across my mind.  So rather than fight it, I'm going to write.

School is about to start back.  I'm starting senior methods.  I'll be in the classroom at least 2 days a week (Monday & Tuesday for sure), and class Thursdays.  I should will graduate this fall.  It has been a crazy tough road and the closer I get to the end the more potholes that seem to pop up.  If I were actually driving along this road, I think I'd still be a little nervous about where it leads.

I'm sitting here watching Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness on Nickelodeon and this seriously has to be the best cartoon based on a movie.  It's like the day-to-day of Po in between the movies :)


So, senior methods!? 

Rent is due.  Our electric bill has been outrageous! That is whole 'nother story in itself.  The condensed version is that our A/C unit has been freezing up and running constantly for the last few months.  YIPPEE!!

It's fixed now and we are hoping to see it in the next bill, and the best part was that we had to convince the landlord that there was something wrong. Seriously???

Thankfully I have an awesome family and a wonderful wife and we will survive this.  

I AM A VERY LUCKY MAN! (when I am smart enough to stop and take notice of it)  

Nothing is ever set before us that we cannot handle through family, faith and fortitude.  

That is one of the posts I started working on but can't seem to complete.  Family, Faith and Fortitude.  As much as I want to write it, I want it to convey what I actually mean and so far its been complicated at best.  

The family and fortitude are easier, but my faith, is just that FAITH.  I am not religious.  I do not think that any one religion is correct, and I am not sure that any of the religions are wrong.  I believe that within every religion there is an aspect of truth and the rest of it is an exaggeration on a misunderstanding.  

The best way I can describe it is like a game of telephone or Chinese Whispers according to Wikipedia (every high-school and college students favorite starting point for research).  

Originally, a story or idea was told to a group and in turn those people took what they heard and passed it along. Over time the story was altered ever so slightly and changed the meaning.  Now consider if that were to happen over a couple thousand years, what would you have?

Dozens of 'religions' claiming that their's is the only way?!  To what end?  
What do we gain by choosing the correct church to be seen in on Sunday morning?

When I was in the Army, I had the opportunity to attend several different worship services, (in lieu of K.P. duty I'll admit), sometimes several in one day and it always caught me as odd that they all preached the same  message.  

Be good. (You know whether or not you are good)
Live a good life. (Again, you know!)
Don't forget your fellow man. (Either way, good or bad, you can't do it alone.)

Anyways, that's just my opinion.  
I guess it wasn't that complicated.  Maybe I just make things complicated.

So senior methods.  
I'm really looking forward to being back in the classroom and I'm hoping to actually be in a Math classroom this year, but man those kids scare the sh!t outta me and you can't beat'em anymore (LoL I'm just kidding).

The teachers and schools shouldn't have to spank the kids.  That is the parents responsibility.  Mine is to make the kids want to think.  To know what questions to ask and how to understand the answers.  


Nothing is ever set before us that we cannot handle with family, faith and fortitude. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post. But I think we should beat the kids!
